Apache, MySQL & PHP - Quick setup guide (Linux)
Note: You need to be logged in as root while performing the steps in this tutorial.
Create group and user mysql
groupadd mysql
useradd -g mysql mysql
Download the tarballs:
A note on how to obtain the MySQL tarball:
Go to http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/
Click the MySQL Community Server link
To be able to download mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz, you have to change option in the Select Platform: drop-down menu.Click the down arrow to expand the menu and click Linux - Generic to select it.
Scroll down to the Linux - Generic (glibc 2.5) (x86, 32-bit), Compressed TAR Archive file (mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz) and click the Download button.
You are transferred to a new page. Click the No thanks, just start my download. link below the Login/Sign Up section.
The tarballs:
Apache: httpd-2.4.10.tar.gz (http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi)
MySQL: mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/)
PHP: php-5.6.3.tar.gz (http://www.php.net/downloads.php)
Extract the tarballs
tar -xvzf httpd-2.4.10.tar.gz
tar -xvzf php-5.6.3.tar.gz
Install Apache & MySQL
Apache 2.4.10cd <path to the extracted httpd-2.4.10 folder>
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-module=so --enable-ssl
make install
MySQL 5.6.21
Set up MySQL
Copy mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz into /usr/local and extract it:tar -xvzf mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz
Then do:
cd /usr/local
mv mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-i686 mysql
chown -R mysql mysql
chgrp -R mysql mysql
cd /usr/local/mysql/scripts
Note: Put the following mysql_install_db command on a single line before executing by pressing Enter.
In this example I've put the command on multiple lines for clarity.
./mysql_install_db --user=mysql
Proceed by doing this:
cd /usr/local
chown -R root mysql
Edit my.cnf
cd /usr/local/mysql
Start a text editor and open my.cnf.
Edit the file to match this:
basedir = /usr/local/mysql
datadir = /usr/local/mysql/data
port = 3306
server_id = 1
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
Save the changes, close the my.cnf file
Set a root password
cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
./mysqld_safe --user=root &
Press Enter to get back to the prompt when the server has started.
./mysqladmin -u root password new_root_password
The command above sets a password for the mysql server root account.You only have to execute this command when you start the mysql server for the very first time.
Test the installation:
cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
./mysql -u root -p
Enter previously set mysql server root account password.
At the mysql prompt, execute the command:
show databases
You should see something like:
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| test |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
To exit the server, at the mysql prompt, execute the command:
Starting the MySQL server:
cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
./mysqld_safe --user=root &
Press Enter to get back to the prompt when the server has started.
Working with the MySQL server:
To log on to the MySQL server, execute these commands:
cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
./mysql -u root -p
Enter previously set new_root_password.
Log off from the MySQL server
To exit the server, at the mysql prompt, execute the command:
Stopping the MySQL server:
To stop the MySQL server, execute the command:
killall mysqld
Wait for the shutdown operation to complete. Press Enter to get back to the prompt when the server has started.
Install PHP
PHP 5.6.3cd /path/to/the/extracted/php-5.6.3 folder
Note: Put the following ./configure command on a single line before executing by pressing Enter.
In this example I've put the command on multiple lines for clarity.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php
After executing the ./configure command with parameters, execute these commands:
make install
Set up PHP
Edit the php.ini filecd /path/to/the/extracted/php folder
cp php.ini-production /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini
Start a text editor and open php.ini.
In the Paths and Directories section of the file, uncomment the UNIX: include_path and set it to "/usr/local/php/include/php", set the doc_root path to "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs" and the extension_dir path to "/usr/local/php/include/php/ext":
In the Module Settings section of the file, set the date.timezone to the timezone that best matches your location (for example "Europe/Stockholm"). To find the names of supported timezones, visit http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php.
In the Pdo_mysql section of the file, set pdo_mysql.default_socket to /tmp/mysql.sock
UNIX: include_path = "/usr/local/php/include/php"
doc_root = "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
extension_dir = "/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-xxxxxxxx"
date.timezone = "Europe/Stockholm"
pdo_mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
Save the changes, close the php.ini file and make it executable:
chmod 755 php.ini
Set up Apache 2
Edit the httpd.conf file (/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf):Start a text editor and open httpd.conf. Make sure the content matches the examples below.
ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache2"
LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
Tell Apache to parse .php files as PHP:
At the bottom part of httpd.conf, among the include conf/extra lines, add this line:
include conf/extra/httpd-php.conf
Save the changes and close the httpd.conf file.
Start a text editor and create a file called httpd-php.conf
Copy the FilesMatch tag example below and paste it into the new httpd-php.conf file.
<FilesMatch \.php$>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
Save the file in the extra (/usr/local/apache2/conf/extra) folder.
Reboot computer.
Working with Apache 2
Starting the Apache server:Use the standard procedure for starting the Apache server:
cd /usr/local/apache2/bin
./apachectl start
Test the Apache installation:
Open a web browser, type in the address field and press Enter. Apache should display its default index.html document.
Test the PHP installation:
Start a text editor and type into the new document:
Name the document phpinfo.php and save it in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs. Make sure the file has the proper php extension (.php).
Then open a web browser, type in the address field and press Enter. If all goes well, some information about your PHP setup should be displayed in the browser window.
Stopping the Apache server:
To stop the Apache server, change folder to /usr/local/apache2/bin and use the apachectl stop command:
cd /usr/local/apache2/bin
./apachectl stop